Reset FRP Bypass Google account Samsung SC-02L:
if You own Samsung SC-02L having FRP issue then you are on a Correct Place. Here You will Find a Step by Step Guide to Remove or Reset FRP aka Google account on any Samsung SC-02L Smartphone.
The Samsung SC-02L is Run on Android 8.1 Oreo and it is Powered by EXYNOS 7885 Processor. The Device Come with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of Storage can be exapandable With SD Card.
What is FRP/Factory Reset Protection:
Factory Reset Protection (FRP), is a security feature on Android devices with Lollipop 5.1 and higher. FRP is automatically activated when you set up a Google™ Account on your device. Once FRP is activated, it prevents use of a device after a factory data reset, until you log in using a Google username.
- Please Follow Step by Step Instructions for Best Results.
- Go Launcher Option also available if You fail With This Method You can try it.
- Google account Manager
- FRP Bypass apk
Must Require:
1. backup NVRAM
2. backup Your Personal data
3. Create a nandroid backup
Steps to Bypass FRP on Samsung SC-02L:
1. Go to Setup/ Login Scree & Insert SIM Card.
3. Download FRP Bypass apk From Here and Install it in another Phone.
4. Run FRP bypass APK in another Phone.
5. Now Enter Phone Number of Locked Phone and Click Send Command. it Will open Youtube on Locked Phone..
6. on Youtube tap on “3dots” top right corner, then tap on “settings”, then “About”, then “Google Privacy Policy”.
7. Accept & Continue, then “No Thanks”, Now Chrome opened successfully, In address bar type
8. Download Google account Manager and Install it
9. again Download FRP bypass apk and Install it
10. Run frp bypass and Click on top 3dot Select browser login. Login With New Account
12. Done Press Power button Reboot System Now/Restart