How to uninstall System app on Xiaomi MI Redmi Phone Without Root

uninstall System app Without Root access on Xiaomi:

Step by Step Guide to Remove or Uninstall System app Without Root access on Xiaomi Devices. if You own a Xiaomi Phone and Want to Uninstall System app Without Root then You can Follow Below Guide.

uninstall System app Without Root access:

1. Go to Setting about Phone and type 7-8 on MIUI version

2. Go back to Setting additional Settings and Find Developer Option then enable usb debugging From their

3. Then Connect Phone to PC With usb . after that Go to adb folder and Open CMD Here.

adb shell

If necessary, we authorize the device. If an error message pops up (device is not authorized), and you authorized the device, enter adb shell again.
Further we write in CMD

pm list packages

The list of installation packages drops out. In this list, choose what you want to delete. Turn on the brain before you start deleting! You can fill up the system and have to reflash.
To delete a package, enter

pm uninstall -k --user 0

(for example, pm uninstall -k –user 0 – will remove googledics)
After stripping it is desirable to make a body. To clear the conscience