Qualcomm EDL Firehose is a protocol used by Qualcomm processors to communicate with other devices during the firmware flashing process. firehose protocol enables data to be delivered to the device for a variety of functions, such as flashing, customized recoveries and firmware updates.
Each Qualcomm device has a unique set of programmer firehose files to assure compatibility and correct functionality, they are typically offered by the device developers or manufacturers together with the required flashing tools.
Download Links:
- File Version: all verison
- Download Link: Click here
- Make a backup before Process
- flashing may brick your device, flash at own risk
How to use OnePlus Watch2 Firehose:
- open QFIL Flash tool
- Click the Browse in front of ‘Programmer Path’
- in the popup window browse and select downloaded .elf or .mbn file
- connect your OnePlus Watch2 in edl mod
- use the require functions
Supported tools:
- QFIL, MI Flash, python edl, qlmflasher Pro & all other qcom toolbox that use xml for edl operations