How to Fix fastboot_unlock verify fail on Oppo

Oppo smartphones have gained immense popularity for their innovative features and sleek designs. However, like any electronic device, users may face issues, and one such problem is the “fastboot_unlock verify fail” error. If you’re facing this challenge, don’t worry – we’ve got a solution for you.

Problem Overview:

The “Fastboot Unlock Verify Fail” error on Oppo devices can be frustrating, especially for users attempting to unlock their devices for various purposes. This error typically occurs during the verification process.


To address the “Fastboot Unlock Verify Fail” issue on your Oppo device, follow these steps:

  1. Try Different Firmware:
    • Sometimes, the error may be related to compatibility issues with the current firmware. Trying a different firmware version can resolve the problem.
    • Visit the official Oppo website or trusted forums to find compatible firmware for your specific device model.
    • Ensure that you download the firmware from a reliable source to avoid potential security risks.
  2. Flash Full Backup ROM:
    • If changing the firmware doesn’t resolve the issue, consider flashing a full backup ROM onto your Oppo device.
    • Ensure that you have a complete backup of your data before proceeding, as flashing ROM will erase all the data on your device.
    • Download the official Oppo ROM for your device from the official website or a trusted source.
    • Follow the flashing instructions provided by Oppo or through reliable online guides to complete the process.
  3. Flash patched LK image
  4. Consult Oppo Support:
    • If the problem persists even after trying different firmware and flashing the full backup ROM, it’s advisable to seek assistance from Oppo’s official support channels.
  5. Community Forums and Online Resources:
    • Explore community forums and online resources  for your specific Oppo Device.


Dealing with the “Fastboot_Unlock Verify Fail” error on your Oppo device can be challenging, but by following the suggested solutions, you increase your chances of resolving the issue successfully.
