Xposed SDK 24 and 25 for Nougat Download Install

Xposed framework For Android 7.0XX Nougat-

unofficial Version of xposed framework [xposed sdk 24/25] for Nougat Now available for Public, if you own a android 7.0XX nougat OS based Device and want to Install Xposed framework on it then you are on correct place, in the article you will learn how to Easily Install xposed Framework on Android Nougat.

Xposed framework is a Custom Framework For android that have ability to change System behaviour Without touching any apk File.

  • This version is only for Android 7.0 Nougat XX Devices, So Don’t try it on any other Device.
  • This is a unstable version. if bootloop flash uninstaller.
  • Follow the steps correctly otherwise you may brick your device. We are not responsible for any damage to your phone.
  • It will erase all your data, so we advise you first to take a complete backup of your phone and then proceed.
  • Ensure that your phone has at least 50-60% charged to prevent the accidental shutdown in-between the process.

Download Xposed SDK-

How to Install Xposed Framework on Android 7.0 Nougat Devices-
  • First, make sure you have enabled ‘Unknown Sources‘ option. You find it here Settings –>Security –>Unknown sources.
  • There are three different versions of Xposed framework available for different types of CPU’s. To check your CPU architecture install the app called ‘Hardware Info‘ from play store, open it and click on the processor. It will show you which type of processor your device have.
  • Download the suitable Xposed framework v87/88 zip and Xposed installer for your device and move it to your SD card.
  • Reboot your phone into Recovery mode.
  • In TWRP Recovery, click ‘Install‘ and select the zip file you downloaded from above.
  • Swipe the slider and select wipe cache/Dalvik and reboot your device. At first boot, it will take some time so be patient.
  • Now install Xposed installer and open the app after installation. Go to the framework and you see that ‘Xposed Framework version 88 is active‘. This means you install Xposed framework on Android 7.1 Nougat device successfully. Now move to the download section and start browsing modules you love.