Download Xposed Framework SDK [ZIP]

Xposed framework SDk Download-

Download Xposed SDK for All Android Devices, Lolipop Mashmalow Nougat Including All SDk 22, 23, 24, 21, Xposed framework is a Framework For Android That have ability to Change Behaviour of Android System Without touching any apk, you can use xposed Framework to tweak you phone, to Install Mod’s and for many More tricks, Follow Below Instructions.


  • Follow the steps correctly otherwise you may brick your device. We are not responsible for any damage to your phone.
  • It will erase all your personal data including data of internal storage, so we advise you first to take a complete backup of your phone and then proceed.
  • Ensure that your phone has at least 50-60% charged to prevent the accidental shutdown in-between the process.
  • Not available For Nougat

All version are Latest-

old version removed, added new lsposed

How to install Xposed framework –

  1. Download xposed installer alpha apk from above and install it as a normal apk.
  2. Download Right sdk file for your Device from above and Save it to sd card/internal stoarge.
  3. Reboot Device into custom Recovery[twrp, cwm].
  4. on recovery, clear catch and dalvik catch.
  5. Then Click on install zip from sd card.
  6. navigate Downloaded sdk file and confirm install.
  7. wait for success.
  8. go back and Reboot system now.
  9. Done.
  10. if Bootloop, flash uninstaller using same process.

credit- official Xposed Dev.

So This is a Complete Guide to Download and Install Xposed SDK on Android, have any question Let us know via Comment.