How to Setup Notifications on Chines Realme Phones

in this blog post we share step by step guide to setup notifications on realme chines phone.. the method works on all realme phones running android 11 and new version.

Steps to Setup Notifications on Chines Realme Phones:

  • In “Notifications & status bar -> Manage notifications”, give the app permission to receive all notifications. Don’t just click the switch next to the app name, but click on the name itself and then check all the necessary notification channels.
  • 2. In “Battery -> Manage battery consumption by apps”, check the “Allow background operation” box for the app.
  • 3. In “Battery -> Other battery settings -> Optimize battery settings”, set the app to “Do not optimize”.
  • 4. In “Battery -> Other battery settings -> Optimized standby”, set “Off”.
  • 5. For especially important apps that should start automatically when the phone boots, turn on the autostart switch in “Application management -> Autostart apps”. In addition to instant messengers, you can add no more than five third-party apps to autostart (thanks, realme), so choose wisely.
  • 6. In order for sound notifications to arrive, in addition to all the standard manipulations with permission to work in the background, you also need to manually turn on the notification sound everywhere.