How to fix fastboot unknown command on asus devices

Fastboot is a command line tool used in android development & modification processes, it users to communicate with the bootloader of their devices. On the other hand, running into a “unknown command” issue can be confusing and make flashing or customization more difficult. We will answer the riddles around the “Fastboot Unknown Command” error and offer solutions to identify and fix the problem in this troubleshooting guide.

Understanding the Error

The error message unknown command indicates that the specified command is not recognized by the bootloader or the fastboot.exe.

Common Causes of the Error

Incorrect Command Syntax:

Fastboot commands are sensitive, the “unknown command” issue may result from a simple typo or improper syntax. Verify the command you entered a second time against the appropriate syntax for the particular action.

Outdated Fastboot Version:

Asus has it won rebuilded fastboot.exe so make sure yo are using correct fastboot.exe

Bootloader Lock:

If the bootloader is still locked, then some commands, such as flashing firmware, might not function. Examine the bootloader on your smartphone and make sure it’s unlocked if required for the process.

Function Disabled:

if a command is working on old firmware but not working after update then indicate the abl partition of your device is patched and it will not allow the specific command anymore


  • check command syntax
  • unlock bootloader
  • downgrade firmware version
  • use latest fastboot.exe from asus raw firmware

Asus Oem Command List:

flashing unlock flashing 
flashing unlock_critical 
flashing lock_critical 
oem enable-charger-screen 
oem disable-charger-screen 
oem off-mode-charge 
oem select-display-panel 
oem device-info 
oem gpt-info 
oem adb_enable 
oem logcat-asdf-on 
oem logcat-asdf-off 
oem shutdown 
oem get-dtid 
oem get-socid oem get 
-hwid oem get 
-prjid oem get 
oem get- rfid 
oem get-featureid 
oem get-jtagid 
oem get-lgfid 
oem get-cpuidhash 
oem get-toolid 
oem isn-info 
oem ssn-info 
oem system-info oem 
oem get-batcap 
oem get-batvol oem get 
oem factory- reset 
oem factory-reset2 
oem reboot-recovery 
oem set-permissive 
oem enter-dload 
oem check-s3 
oem EnterShippingMode 
oem check-nrfuse 
oem check-fuse 
oem fuse-info 
oem show-barcode 
oem checksetupwizard 
oem asus-csc_lk 
oem rsa_test_ 
oem crc32_ 
oem hash_ 
oem gen-random 
oem auth-hash 
oem auth-hash_2 
oem auth-hash_3 
oem get-imeiauth 
oem slot_b_enable 
oem get-verify_vbmeta_ret 
oem update-cmdline_ 
oem backup-fac 
oem ​​restore-fac 
oem ​​asus-erase-asdf 
oem get-pmic- reg_ 
oem write-pmic-reg_ 
oem reset-boot_count 
oem reset-lock_count 
oem reset-a_unbootable_count oem reset-b_retry_count 
oem reset-b_unbootable_count 
oem force-dtid_ 
oem reset-dev_info 
oem reset-auth2 
oem reset-auth3 
oem disable- verity 
oem enable-verity 
oem enable-vbmeta 
oem read-vbmeta 
oem read-rollback 
oem reset-rollback 
oem uart-on 
oem uart-off 
oem get-smid 
oem pm8010-test-on 
oem pm8010-test-off 
oem pm8010-test- clean 
oem pm8010-shutdown-test 
oem get-pm8010i 
oem get-pm8010j 
oem xts-unlock 
oem asus-lock 
oem check-avb