How to Repair IMEI Walton Primo H6/H6 Plus

IMEI Recovering Walton Primo H6/H6 Plus:

if you own Walton Primo H6/H6 Plus having imei issue then you can fix it by following the below Instructions. i am Not taking too Long just Going to Start The process.

Steps to Write/Repair IMEI on Walton Primo H6/H6 Plus:

Method 1 Without PC [try Your luck]

  1. Download MTK Engneering app From Play Store
  2. Open This app and Click GPRS
  3. Just after clicking the GPRS You can See IMEI Write option Write Both IMEI and Save
  4. Done look below Images For reference.


Method 2 100% Working:

  1. Download and activate GSM aladdin From Here [Work Without box]
  2. Click on Mediatek tab and Then Click IMEI Repair
  3. Write both IMEI
  4. Switch off Phone and Connect to PC
  5. Select Port and Click Start
  6. wait For success
  7. Done..

Note: Make Sure Mediatek Driver are installed Properly