How backup IMEI Number on Infinix Note 12 Pro

IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. It is a unique 15-digit number assigned to mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and other cellular-enabled devices. The IMEI number is used to identify and track individual devices on a mobile network.

To find the IMEI number of your mobile device, you can try one of the following methods:

  1. Dial the following code on your phone: *#06#. This should display the IMEI number on your device’s screen.
  2. Look for the IMEI number on the original packaging of your device. The IMEI is often printed on a sticker or label along with other product information.

Here is the Steps to backup IMEI Number on Your Infinix Note 12 Pro:

  • You need to get root access
  • Download and install the Termux
  • Download the file and put it in the internal memory  (required)
  • Open the terminal, enter the commands in turn:
cd /sdcard 

echo "

Imei Backup Script For MT6785 

mkdir -p /sdcard/imeibackup
for part in proinfo nvcfg nvdata persist protect1 protect2; do dd if=/dev/block/platform/bootdevice/by-name/$part of=/sdcard/imeibackup/${part}.img; done
for part in seccfg nvram; do dd if=/dev/block/platform/bootdevice/by-name/$part of=/sdcard/imeibackup/${part}.bin; done

echo "

Imei backup done Now Enjoy!

Imei backup stored in /sdcard/imeibackup 

Do not share imei backup with anyone under any circumstance and keep these files safe!
